Plato and aristotle nature vs nurture. Gibson (1979 as cited by Cardwell and Flanagan, 2004. Plato and aristotle nature vs nurture

 Gibson (1979 as cited by Cardwell and Flanagan, 2004Plato and aristotle nature vs nurture The debate for nurture vs

In the 19th century, Charles Darwin’s theory of evolution and natural selection greatly influenced the nature vs. F. Natural phenomena, and a fortiori the core properties determining the nature of an entire species, cannot be rarities; (2) He states that theoretical understanding is an. The debate about nature versus nurture goes back to humans’ earliest days of intellectual dispute. nurture and more. Rather than fix or amend their proposals, these deficits have led us to abandon the core. 2005. In around the 300s BC, Socrates and Plato began entertaining the idea of nativism, the belief that a person’s thoughts, ideas, and characteristics are inborn. The nature vs nurture debate is a classic debate in psychology. Love is born into every human being; it calls back the halves of our original nature together; it tries to make one out of two and heal the wound of human nature. Genc Quincy College Abstract Nature vs. 4 The role of the swerve in protecting our freedom. He was famous for his statement that " man is by nature a political animal . Those who are too smart to engage in politics are punished by being governed by those who are dumber. The discussion revolved around Pinkers idea that there is. Aristotle's psychology included a study into the formation of the human mind, as one of the first salvos in the debate between nature and nurture that influences many academic disciplines, including psychology, sociology, education, politics and human geography. Researchers are finding that the balance between genetic and environmental influences for certain traits change , as people get older . nurture' is one of three controversial issues argued when psychologists talk of human development. Hutchinson (1997). Although the modern term ‘atom’ derives from the ancient Greek adjective atomos, which literally means ‘uncuttable’, it is possible that. Nativism versus empiricism, more commonly known as nature versus nurture, has been a hot topic for debate among psychologists in their attempt to understand how someone’s personality develops. its acquisition and analysis. He also believed that the environment surrounding the humans did not exist to teach them. “Our first impressions are generated by our experiences and our environment, which means that we can change our first impressions . Philosopher John Locke introduces us to “blank slate theory” by expanding on an earlier theory introduced in the fourth century by Aristotle (Glass, n. Reviewed by Jacob Klein, Colgate University. Nurture’ The debate of nature versus nurture has existed for thousands of years. "Plato on knowledge and forms: selected essays. Philosophers are divided on this issue with some analysing it as justified true beliefs. But this is not to say that Aristotle was not critical of Plato’s methodology. P 262) [1] argued that perception is innate because the sensory array is sufficiently rich in information for perception to take place without any additional. e. These terms date back to the ancient Greek philosophers: Socrates, Plato, and Aristotle. Plato believed behavior and knowledge was due to innate factors. According to the Philosophy of Plato, the fundamental character of Philosopher is. Near the end of the Phaedo, for example, Plato describes the world of Forms as a pristine region of the physical universe located above the surface of the Earth. Socrates and Plato believed in nativism and Aristotle in empiricism. The topic of nature versus nurture becomes the cause of debate among scientists, doctors, behaviorists, and many others. genetics you were born with. I will argue, with reference to the Symposium , that Aristotle does not ignore various key strands of Plato's account of eros , and that reflection on the particular nature of Aristotle's relationship to this work is helpful in restoring attention to more general ethical themes that emerge from the Platonic work. A number of philosophical schools in different parts of the ancient world held that the universe is composed of some kind of ‘atoms’ or minimal parts, albeit for different reasons. Aristotle. Plato came before Aristotle, and their arguments seem to agree and differ on the. While early theories favored one factor over the other, contemporary views recognize a. The good is the subject of Aristotle’s inquiry from the very beginning of the Politics:The famous nature vs. The Socratic philosophers in ancient Greece were Socrates, Plato, and Aristotle. The cloud of mystery surrounding his life and philosophical viewpoints. ). Nurture Essay. Differentiate between a structuralist and functionalist approach to understanding consciousness. Nativism and empiricism are two different approaches to this development, with nativism placing an emphasis on being born with certain innate. , 2013). e. Yet, in his works on natural. Some philosophers, such as Plato and Descartes, suggested that certain factors are inborn or occur naturally regardless of environmental influences. nurture debate centers on the contributions of genetics and environmental factors to human development. ” ( The Big Debate :. Nurture is the focus on which human behavior is determined by genetics/ biology or is learned through how you interact with the environment that is around you. Some philosophers, such as Plato and Descartes, suggested that certain factors are inborn or occur naturally regardless of environmental influences. Nature vs. Module 1 Setting the Stage -Philosophers have long been interested in the nature of childhood -Plato stated that children are born with innate knowledge, while Aristotle saw knowledge as rooted in experience. Nurture . The problem is that most of us think that Plato and Aristotle are simply wrong about what the wise and just laws are. During the Greek Classical period, Plato, who favored nature, disputed with Aristotle, who favored Nurture. Plato argues for a higher form of goodness, while Aristotle argues back with a societal form of goodness. According to the Philosophy of Plato, the fundamental character of Philosopher is. nurture (or genetic inheritance vs. Nature versus nurture is one of the oldest debated questions in history. Human Nature: Aristotle vs Plato Essay. Nurture Debate. The nature vs. Like Plato, Aristotle thinks that we can take a person’s pleasures and pains to be a sign of his state of character. Plato on Rhetoric and Poetry. View Nature vs Nurture. Aristotle Question 1 Detailed Solution. The contrast of phisis vs. Nature vs. 1. According to Freud, human development is influenced by both nurture and nature. Nurture Debate: 50-Year Twin Study Proves It Takes Two To Determine Human Traits, has written that “A culmination of more than half a century of research collected on 14. He aims to create a peaceful united city that will lead to the greater good of the community and individuals. The problem of universals is considered a central issue in traditional metaphysics and can be traced back to Plato and Aristotle's philosophy, particularly in their attempt to explain the nature and status of forms. The syllogism, a basic unit of logic (if A = B, and B = C, then A = C), was developed by Aristotle. Rathus pg. For his athletic figure his wrestling coach called him Plato‚ which means. Aristotle and John Locke. nurture has been strongly debated in psychology. Nurture versus nature is an age old debate, beginning with the idea’s founders, Aristotle, Plato, and Socrates. Aristotle’s Metaphysics. their personal experiences. As such, their noted penchant for excluding. Nurture is a more dominant role in a person’s life. Nature vs Nurture There has always been a large controversy over whether inherited genes or the environment influences and affects our personality‚ development‚ behavior‚ intelligence and ability. It is reasonable that every child has a genetic basis to develop language abilities. A legendary figure even in his own time, he was admired by his followers for his integrity, his self-mastery, his profound philosophical insight, and. has three principal aspects . As the issue began, Greek philosopher, Plato, assumed that we inherit character, intelligence, and certain ideas are developed inborn, on the contrary, Greek philosopher, Aristotle debated that nothing comes in the mind through the senses of the external world. The debate for nurture vs. Nature versus Nurture "Nature versus Nurture" is one of the oldest argument of all time in history and it still continues until now. It has been long debated whether a person’s personality is determined more through nativism or empiricism, nature or nurture. (c) Organic in nature. Nurture. C. Following Aristotle, Plato, and. He asserts that human nature consists of strong innate drives and repressed memories. This debate can be one of the most contentious. 2566. In basic agreement with Plato he maintains that “he who has beliefs is, in comparison with the one who knows, not in a healthy state. Sigmund Freud thought of the parent as a child’s first form of environmental influence in its lifetime. The debate dates back to the time of the Ancient Greek philosophers, Plato and Aristotle. Nature is the inborn, innate character of an organism. Aristotle said that "physis" (nature) is dependent on techne (art). The nature versus nurture debate represents one of the oldest issues in the research of human behavior dealing with the question whether inherited traits or life experiences (e. nurture debate is the scientific, cultural, and philosophical debate about whether human culture, behavior, and personality are caused primarily by nature or nurture. PSYCHOLOGY CHAPTER 1 QUIZ. social background), philosophy vs. and end (final). In the history of psychology, no other question has caused so much controversy and offense: We are so concerned with nature–nurture because our very sense of moral character seems to depend on it. The nature versus nurture debate is a controversial issue questioning whether or not human behavior is a result of biology. Identify the founders of both approaches and the earlier influences that gave rise to these schools of. Brain and Culture: Neurobiology, Ideology, and Social Change, by Bruce E. · “Human behavior flows from three main. Descartes and his followers adopted the idea of dualism, meaning that the soul is separate from the body and that the soul does not have a physical. In Stage 2, just as in the nature-nurture debate, after years of heated. ”. (Spencer A. The Argument Of Nature Vs. c. In continuation of the exploration of the need for and origins of the state, this article will introduce Aristotle’s theory of human nature and the state. The origins of nature versus nurture debate date back for thousands of years and across many cultures. Thousands of years before the field of psychology, philosophers pondered on human behavior. 2006. These drives and memories can only manifest through nurturing, as they are shaped by one’s upbringing. Medical Daily writer, Dana Dovey, journalist of Nature vs. In Plato’s Apology, Socrates and his friend Chaerephon visit the oracle at Delphi. Aristotle and Rousseau and more. nurture can be dated as far back as 300 BC during Socrates and Plato’s time. He criticises the method of division, for example, in Parts of Animals (I, 2-3). Classical Greek thinkers like Plato and Aristotle picked their sides on the causes of human. Preliminaries. Plato’s most famous student was Aristotle‚ who regardless of his education by the great philosopher has different views and opinions that Plato. Nature vs. C. Here Aristotle insists that all four causes are involved in the explanation of natural phenomena. Aristotle believed that human beings gain everything they know through personal experiences. Ancient philosophers Plato and Aristotle formed the argument through conflicting beliefs on the basics of human knowledge. Both nature and environmental factors interact to help children develop language. nurture has been strongly debated in psychology. Study with Quizlet and memorize flashcards containing terms like Debates as to whether alcohol abuse is biologically determined or culturally influenced are most relevant to the issue of. The Formal cause of the universe is in the essential nature of things, such as the nature of stars to rotate. The debate between Nature and Nurture can be traced back to ancient Greek philosophers such as Plato and Aristotle. c, between philosophers Aristotle, and Plato both trying to identify the driving force between human behavior. Classical Greek thinkers like Plato and Aristotle picked their sides on the causes of human. • Plato proposed that the origins of structure and function lie in the organism's nature whereas Aristotle proposed that they lie in its nurture. It is known as the nature versus nurture debate. What position do modern psychologists take on this issue? 2. If Plato were right that the sensible world is always changing, his conclusion that sensibles do not admit of knowledge would be correct. Rathus pg. genetic influence) or nurture (i. The ideas of Plato and Aristotle would battle constantly. Numerous generations before us have deliberated on the reasons behind the development of human behavior. On the othe. Nativism vs. The nature versus nurture debate is of constant discussion amongst psychologists today. Ultimately, it is up to us to decide which one is right for us, as there will always be cases for both. Nature versus Nurture Debate Nature vs. View Both Plato and Aristotle believed that there is a world of true knowledge. In The Republic‚ Plato creates the ideal city‚ which is needed to guarantee justice. Nature is the idea that genetics and biology determine an individual’s behaviors and thoughts. The Power of Nature and Nurture 1557 Words | 4 Pages. . Nurture: The LSAT’s Take on the Root Causes of Human Behavior. In a APA formatted 3-page typed essay (12pt Times font, double spaced), consider the following questions: Firstly, what were the views of Plato on the nature vs. *The question of nature or nurture as the primary drive can be traced to these times. On the other hand, nurture refers to the total of milieu controls and conditions operating on an organism. The Theology is split into ten sections (each called a mimar, a Syriac word for ‘chapter’). b. He believed that the world, like we see it, is not the real world. The debate surrounding. One side will argue the point of nature, saying genetics hold the key that unlocks human development. The propensity for a grizzly bear to develop conflict behaviours might be a result of social learning between mothers and cubs, genetic inheritance, or both learning and inheritance. The nature vs. The start of the famous debate dates back to the ancient Greek period, with well-known philosophers such as Plato who sided with nature and Aristotle who sided with nurture. Aristotle, unlike Plato, was a believer in nurture, stating that the human mind was. Aristotle and Plato were philosophers in ancient Europe who critically studied questions of social, science, politics, and more. As Plato employs his account of the human soul as the foundation for his Just City, Aristotle’s Politics begins with an explanation as to the nature of man and why, according to that nature, polities and their ends come to exist. Those that exist by nature have their origin in themselves, whereas those that exist by craft have their origin in the craftsperson. Suppose it is obvious that someone. . According to Plato , humans are born with all knowledge . The nature of beauty is one of the most enduring and controversial themes in Western philosophy, and is—with the nature of art—one of the two fundamental issues in the history of philosophical aesthetics. true. These issues are at the center of the ongoing nature versus nurture debate or controversy. Nature, according to Aristotle, is an inner principle of change and being at rest ( Physics 2. the relationship of knowledge to opinion, reality to experience, and metaphysics to epistemology. However‚ for the object-orienteer‚ it has never been a problem: an object inherits all of its properties. Socrates, born in Athens in 470 BC, is often credited as one of the founders of Western philosophy. , acquired learning or environmental factors). But what does this mean form me? I am an 18 year old young man trying to shape myself into an ideal person‚ I have tendencies‚ habits‚ talents‚ these come from both sides of this. The National Constitution Center is hosting a series of online constitutional classes this fall for students and learners of all ages. nurture' opens the door for two other issues that are argued about also. nurture in regards to intellect. Nature vs. Part of our personality is formed by genetics. docx from PSY MISC at University of Tampa. c, between philosophers Aristotle, and Plato both trying to identify the driving force between human behavior. One problem with Plato’s dualism was that, though he speaks of the soul as imprisoned in the body, there is no clear account of what binds a particular soul to a particular body. . Click the card to flip 👆. Simbarashe Chiduma A RESEARCH PAPER Submitted to Baker College in partial fulfillment of requirements For class: Soc 201 Winter 2012 Homosexual is defined as: “of‚ relating to‚ or characterized by a tendency to direct sexual desire toward another of the. Empiricism in my life. , upbringing) play a greater role in shaping, for example, our personality. Translated by. The debate about nature versus nurture goes back to humans’ earliest days of intellectual dispute. Plato believed behavior and knowledge was due to innate factors. Aristotle was a good deal less other-worldly than Plato. C. Nature meaning the inborn‚ innate character of an organism‚ and nurture is the sum total of the environmental factors that affect an organism from conception onward. Are we humans the product of nature or nurture?Nature is how much of your personality is genetic‚ what you were born with. Using non-invasive genetic sampling, we collected grizzly bear hair samples during 2011–2014 across southwestern Alberta, Canada. We find the etymological origins of two key terms in the title of this article, “political” and “philosophy”, in ancient Greek: the former originally pertaining to the polis or city-state; the latter being the practice of a particular kind of inquiry conceived literally as the “love of wisdom” (philosophia). - The Atlantic Plato’s Ideal Ruler Today | Issue 101 - Philosophy Now Guide to the classics: Plato's Republic - The ConversationPlato often invokes, particularly in his dialogues Phaedo, Republic and Phaedrus, poetic language to illustrate the mode in which the Forms are said to exist. The philosophical treatment of love transcends a variety of sub-disciplines including epistemology, metaphysics, religion, human nature, politics and ethics. The nature vs. He believed this largely because he thought that in Democracy every man would arrange his own life to suit his pleasure, and if anything this seems like an early attack upon moral relativism because of the anger towards men just doing whatever they wished. Post navigation Previous post: ← Previous Post Next post: “Motivated to seek pleasure, not pain” →Plato, Aristotle, and the Founders. Amongst the many works attributed to Plato's authorship is his "The Republic" wherein is set out a series. In all schools of social science, the debate between "nature vs nurture" is. nurture debate can be traced back to ancient civilizations. "Nature" is to "nurture" as ____ is to ____. This entry was posted in Nature/Nurture and tagged aristotle, behavior, change, empiricism, ideas, inborn, interests, learned, nativism, nature, nurture, plato, socrates, thoughts on January 25, 2014 by Tabitha Lundstrom. Twenty-first-century psychology textbooks often state that the nature–nurture debates have been resolved, and the tension relaxed, because we have moved on from emphasizing nature or nurture to appreciating that development necessarily involves both nature and nurture. The argument of nature vs. Plato believing that knowledge was present at birth, and that environment did not teach anything new. C. Your assignment is to discuss the debate pertaining to nature vs. 4. Plato Vs Aristotle Theory Of Knowledge Compare and Contrast Essay Example. b. applied research. Aristotle however argued that all humans were born with a blank. Plato NATURE vs nurture POV. 3). " Plato, Republic: "If women are expected to do the. From Ancient Greece to modern day, there has been an ongoing debate of nature vs. The term “Nature via Nurture” is used to show the co-relation between the two identities. This definition is rooted ultimately in Aristotle’s distinction between things that exist by nature and things that exist by craft (Metaphysics 1033a ff. For example, suicide has long been a. The theory of nature versus nurture initially came into the light in 1869 and the psychologist Sir Francis Galton was credited to use the term for the first time in history (Bynum 2002). Is our personality shaped by the environment, or are we largely programmed genetically? No one can answer whether nature or nurture leads to certain traits i. but also, ~. 428–c. From Ancient Greece to modern day, there has been an ongoing debate of nature vs. The term originated in ancient Greek philosophy, and was later used in Christian theology and Western. Empiricism in my life. nurture has been strongly debated in psychology. First published Mon Dec 22, 2003; substantive revision Wed Feb 12, 2020. Natural law, system of right or justice held to be common to all humans and derived from nature rather than from the rules of society (positive law). Plato believed that there was a sharp distinction between. The nature versus nurture debate is one of the issues in psychology. Aristotle’s most famous teacher was Plato (c. nurture can be dated as far back as 300 BC during Socrates and Plato’s time. nurture debate?Aristotle was a student of Plato who challenged the ideas of his teacher as he believed the object of knowledge must be objectively true and necessary; it must subjectively be seen as necessary; the true cause has to be known; and the necessity of the causal connection must be perceived. nurture has been strongly debated in psychology. nurture". Nature versus Nurture Cindy Dean ECE 205: Introduction to Child Development Instructor: Alan Reitman August 3, 2014 Nature versus Nurture The topic Nature versus. 2. Plato’s central doctrines. nomos could be applied to any subject, much like the modern contrast of "nature vs. Both debates play out in a remarkably similar sequence. The nature versus nurture debate spans thousands of years and includes classic philosophers and writers. By Julian Dutra, The Collector Socrates (469 – 399 B. They agree with Aristotle that the human being’s essence is a life in accord with reason. These Greeks introduced the term nativism (nature) as the idea that our thoughts, ideas, and characteristics are inborn. Today, you might apply the wisdom of these ancient Greek. First to start the project‚ my partner named Brittany and I jarred when and purchased a tri – board to present the project. This entry was posted in Nature/Nurture and tagged aristotle, nature, nurture, plato, socrates on January 30,. The reason why this topic has been around for so long is because we can not. 1, 192b20–23). In Brain and Culture: Neurobiology, Ideology, and Social Change, Bruce Wexler takes on the age old debate of “nature versus nurture. Mary Shelley's believes in nurture more than nature. Nurture: An Examination of the Wild Boy of Aveyron. The role of nature and nurture on development on children is that researchers examine areas of. One of the most persistent issues in the field of psychology is the nature versus nurture debate. However, the modern debate took shape in. C. The debate for nurture vs. The "Ancient Quarrel between Poetry and Philosophy" Tradition has it that Plato wrote tragedies, epigrams, and songs called dithyrambs when he was young, but burned them when he met Socrates; Interesting since it suggests hostility by Socrates towards poetry: the "ancient quarrel"A key theme in Aristotle's thought is that happiness is the goal of life. Philosophers such as Plato argued that all knowledge was inherited from your parents and when you were told something you didn’t learn it you were just reminded of it. The next great mind to enter the nature versus nurture debate came around in the mid 1600s. He asserts that human nature consists of strong innate drives and repressed memories. The debate centers on the relative contributions of genetic inheritance and environmental. Study with Quizlet and memorize flashcards containing terms like Debates as to whether alcohol abuse is biologically determined or culturally influenced are most relevant to the issue of. Natures and the four causes. Aristotle. While generally accurate and certainly useful for pedagogical purposes, no rigid boundary separates the parts. Aristotle and Natural Law has two central concerns: it offers an analysis of the concept of natural law and its history, focusing especially on Greek philosophy and the sophistic debates of the fifth century, and it locates Aristotle within this history as Burns understands it. Born in 384 B. As early as 350 BC, such philosophers as Plato and Aristotle tried to understand behavior. nurture debate has been around since Ancient Greece when Plato and Aristotle disputed the origins of human behaviour. Aristotle acknowledges that “everything is defined by its task and by its. (b) A convenience. Kelly Gaudet October 12, 2017 Jennifer Blessing Child Psychology Plato and Aristotle: Nature vs Nurture Volunteering at PCAT I made1. But the relevance of these discoveries or findings for human agency is open to discussion. nurture debate has been around since Ancient Greece when Plato and Aristotle disputed the origins of human behaviour. GV100 Lecture Notes !! GV100 Lecture 1 (PLATO) Political Thought vs Political Science HPT closer to philosophy than political science: study of ideas- how the thinking of one thinker influenced the thinking of the next (not political facts and processes); emergence of a canon/tradition of thinking Political Science: Empirical (how things are) Political Theory:. , In debating the origins of human traits, Plato and Aristotle disagreed about the relative importance of. Nurture is how much of a person’s traits is predetermined and how much is influenced by the environment. Nurture argument isn’t a new discussion point. These are some of the most well-known of all Greek philosophers. According to Aristotle, the State is. Ancient Atomism. Nurture Through time‚ psychologists have argued over whether only our genes control our behaviors in life or if the environment and the people surrounding us have any effect in our lives. (b) Courage. The Nature versus Nurturedebate is an old one, and its arguments have endured across different eras. C) Nativism is to philosophical empiricism. Nature vs nurture is in no way a new controversy. As early as 350 BC, such philosophers as Plato and Aristotle tried to understand behavior. However, the development of genetics has gained a renewed interest in the scientific community and the eugenics community. Aristotle was far more empirical-minded than Plato. A. It may, initially, be identified as the one that emphasizes the virtues, or moral character, in contrast to the approach that emphasizes duties or rules (deontology) or that emphasizes the consequences of actions (consequentialism). Aristotle’s view of goodness is far more realistic to the actual world, and it disproves Plato’s belief that goodness is eternal, essential, and universal. These Greeks introduced the term nativism (nature) as the idea that our thoughts, ideas, and characteristics are inborn. Whether intelligence depends more on nature or on nur ture is a long-standing issue dating back to 17th-century rationalism and empiricism and with roots in the ancient Greek philosophies of Plato and Aristotle (Fancher, 1996). , philosophers were asking the same question on human behaviour. The Views Of Plato And Aristotle On The Nature Vs. According to Freud, human development is influenced by both nurture and nature. When I became a man, I put the ways of childhood behind me. . nurture can be dated as far back as 300 BC during Socrates and Plato’s time. Virtue ethics is currently one of three major approaches in normative ethics. E), an Athenian philosopher, believed that knowledge was innate. Big Debate vs. 1 Aristotle on voluntary action. In other words, we are believed to be born with these thoughts, ideas and characteristics, and that they are already in. Contrast the views of Plato and Aristotle on the nature versus nurture debate. e. 664 Words. During the course of his life, he was a mathematician first, a natural scientist or “natural philosopher” second, and a metaphysician third. In any case, the comparison is helpful in the following ways. Similarly, Emanuel Kant and John Locke, during the Enlightenment period, held the same debate. " Plato, Republic: "A man and a woman who have a physician's mind (psyche) have the same nature. Plato applied an inside/out approach to the nature of reality. The student did not say on what basis this theory was constituted and how theorists reach to the. com Aristotle: A Complete Overview of His Life, Work, and Philosophy - The Collector Why Plato’s “The Republic” Is a Reminder of the Importance of. Nature Vs Nurture Quotes. The wise person strives for inner ‘justice’, a condition in which each. "There will be no end to the troubles of states, "or indeed of humanity itself, till philosophers "become rulers in this world, or till those "we now call. 1. As early as 350 BC, such philosophers as Plato and Aristotle tried to understand behavior. In the nature vs. Philosophical Views of Plato. , In debating the origins of human traits, Plato and Aristotle disagreed about the relative importance of. The nature versus nurture debate spans thousands of years and includes classic philosophers and writers. The topic of nature versus nurture becomes the cause of debate among scientists, doctors, behaviorists, and many others. 56) Basically nature is what you have from heredity and nurture is you environmental influences. 1. Darwinian theories of human nature. in the Macedonian region of northeastern Greece in the small city of Stagira (whence the moniker ‘the Stagirite’, which one still occasionally encounters in Aristotelian scholarship), Aristotle was sent to Athens at about the age of seventeen to study in Plato’s Academy, then a pre-eminent place of. The nature vs nurture debate can be traced back to ancient Greek philosophers such as Plato and Aristotle, who believed in the concept of innate knowledge and the influence of environmental factors, respectively. Plato, Republic: "Women and men have the same nature in respect to the guardianship of the state, save insofar as the one is weaker and the other is stronger. Plato believed intelligence was encompassed and is a separate sense from the body. . This is a scientific, cultural, and philosophical debate about whether human culture, behavior, and personality are caused primarily by nature or nurture (Goodtherapy). 5 million pairs of twins has finally concluded that the nature versus nurture debate is a draw” (Dovey). The nature vs. Assignment. B. NATURE VS NURTURE The nature versus nurture debate is one of the most convoluted in the field of psychology. In Antiquity, Plato and Aristotle objected to the commodification of certain aspects human relations, especially politics and philosophy, which they saw were “elevated” and “noble” as contrasted with the “banausic” (base) and “necessary” facets of human life such as trade and commerce. Aristotle’s most famous student was Philip. Discussion 1: Plato or Aristotle theory of knowledge (nature vs nurture) -Aristotle: Knowledge comes from experience -Plato: Knowledge is born with Which other modern psychologist theorized about innateness?-Elizabeth Spelky Themes of Developmental Theories -Nature vs nurture -Active or passive child -Continuous vs Discontinuous. . 56) Nurture is the sum total of the environmental factors that affect an organism from conception onward. In the 17 th century the French philosopher René Descartes set out views which held that we all, as individual Human Beings, possess certain in-born ideas that underpin our approach to the world. “Epigenetics” is an emerging area of scientific research that shows how environmental influences—children’s experiences—actually affect the expression of their genes.